Bio/CV (ENG)
Eduardo Sousa Ribeiro e Leonor Hipólito, e os situa na sua experiência de tomar o trabalho um do outro como inspiração para o seu encontro.
Entre a poeira do vidro e a sombra do corpo (Between the dust on the glass and the shadow of the body) is the title that brings together two artists, Eduardo Sousa Ribeiro and Leonor Hipólito, and situates them in their experience of taking each other’s work as inspiration for their encounter.
It is in the twilight that all my senses awake
and all my tensions dissipate.
When you are more present than ever...
And I walk under the violet sky,
and the city lights disguise the stars that I can imagine anyway.
The twilight period, morning or afternoon, is like a window that opens to another, more internal state of consciousness. It is that ambiguous, sphinx-like moment of magic, because every transitional moment contains within itself the potential of two sketches of reality.
Like an illusionistic veil, it stretches across the atmosphere and over our senses. Perhaps its trick is to unveil the imperceptible dimensions that weave life together – to awaken our attention to the subtle pulse of dreams.
The first installation of Twilight, from 2017, different from the interpretation presented now, can be seen in the book “Looking at us looking at us.”
Embora com ligação a alguns poemas e ilustrações do livro Céu da boca (1), que influenciou o título deste projeto, Céu e Boca enquanto processo criativo traduz essencialmente um “fazer" despojado de delineamento prévio, onde me sirvo do imprevisto e da espontaneidade do meu gesto para intuir formas retiradas de um léxico pessoal de sensações e de memórias daquilo que me toca, impressiona, fascina e desafia.
(1) Céu da boca, poemas e ilustrações, ed. 2022
Hues and Utterance (I)
Hues and Utterance [a non-literal translation of the original title Céu e Boca] is a project that approaches the idea of landscape as something intrinsic to the nature of being. Enclosed by this idea is another that outlines the body and its intimate and personal expression as space and perspective. Forms that resemble either landscapes or bodies emphasize the connection between desire and gesture, imagination and manifestation.
Though I was inspired in some poems and illustrations of the book Céu da boca (1), which surely influenced the title of this project, Hues and Utterance reflects a creative process that makes use of the unplanned as well of my spontaneous act to intuit forms eventually existing in my personal lexicon of sensations and of memories of what touches me, fascinates me or challenges.
(1) Céu da boca, poems and illustrations, ed. 2022