Duet(l)o - Parte I   

As palavras nunca poderão definir por completo este encontro, lançado entre forças tão revoltas como o vento que se levanta inesperadamente ao entardecer; forças insinuantes e inelutáveis tal qual o desejo que nunca se apaga enquanto vivo, nem mesmo na noite mais cerrada quando a mão frouxa de sono pende como raízes aéreas sedentas da sua expressão. 

A dança dos galhos avisa-me que está na hora de me preparar, sabendo que na decisão não há retorno, nem na indecisão que acabará por sucumbir à transfiguração do tempo que a desafia. 
Desconhecendo o seu epílogo, com tanto e tudo por largar, dou início ao primeiro ato.


Duet(l) - Part I

Words can never fully define this encounter, thrust amid feelings wild as the wind rising unexpectedly in the late afternoon; feelings as captivating and inescapable as desire, never vanished while breathing, not even when during sleep hands hang like roots in the air, thirsty for the depth of its expression.

When trees bow and twigs sway I know it is time for me to get ready. To face the fact that there is no turning back for my decision, nor for my indecision that will end up succumbing to time.

Without knowing its epilogue, though with everything, and so much to leave behind, I begin the first act.
texto completo em português / inglês
complete text in English / Portuguese

texto de / text by José Sousa Machado @ Umbigo Magazine  

installation views @ espaço expositivo Sá da Costa - Camões, Lisbon, 2019
works from 2016/2019 

Duet(l)o - Parte II 

Os ombros baixam, a teimosia desvanece. Com o pôr do sol a terra arrefece e, nas dobras do tempo - na sombra da consciência -, os sonhos reorganizam a memória.

Este meu desejo, hoje declarado passado, disfarçar-se-á com renovada expressão no nosso futuro encontro.


Duet(l) - Part II

Shoulders sink, stubbornness fades. The setting of the Sun cools the earth and in the folds of time – in the shadow of consciousness – dreams reshuffle memory.

This desire of mine, no longer present today, will return in our future encounter disguised in renewed expression.


Twigs in my garden #1
(acrylic paint on paper) 
After Helen's Frik ceramic work 

Hold on #1 
(acrylic paint and ballpoint pen on paper)  
After Helen's Frik ceramic work 

Slow Thinker #1
(ballpoint pen on paper)
After Helen's Frik ceramic work 


Without ever being, becomes

She wakes at the dawn of every breath,
Opening windows of wind, undressing ghost of the past,
Her domesticity.
Then feral, she finds herself amongst untamed thoughts,
In days and nights, always and for now
In hearts; Slamming doors that shake the Earth
Free, she transfigures herself.

Defiant, lively and capricious,
She moves forward without remorse, 
Refusing to waist her breath on reason, dust, bricks of history
On foliage eaten by those who keep chewing, ruminating, swallowing
Views from an insatiable gloom that she naturally appeases.

Eternal, silent. She flaunts a new garment,
At the dawn of every breath.

Without ever being, becomes lends title to the sculptures and drawings that make of this project a poem to life - to its lyrical, creative, powerful, ever-changing nature.

These works were made to dialogue with the works of Teresa Milheiro in our exhibition 'The power of fragility'


installation views @ Galeria Sá da Costa, Lisbon, 2019
works from 2019


Writing Pad 
More information at www.idembooks.com 


While they sleep they dream   

Under the dark sky of a silent night there lies their desire – hidden among leaves and branches that I hear being lightly trodden down into the earth. 

I look, trying to use the light of the moon to illuminate what I search. 
Trying to find in the essence of their feelings my own: the will power ascending like a serpentine – my gesture pulling back the opaque veil of distance, going through the fissures of the urban landscape to touch them. 

How can I explain what I can't see but feel? What I recognise in their deep expressions? In such impetus that moves mine – their inherent vitality of spirit, sharp and frank? 
I know their desire savours the same necessity that enlivens my body. That it flourishes in the interlacement of affections – such labyrinth –, where through narrow paths that become even narrower we stand face-to-face with the same nature.

While they sleep they dream is an exercise of both contemplation and recognition of the nature we cannot separate ourselves from, which sustained by a sensible and animal-like quality, is life's propelling strength or driving force, influencing us in the way we feel, long for, connect, share, depend upon, create, lose ground, regain clarity, aspire, inspire, die.

Partly motivated by the challenging and gratifying relationship I nourish with animals, this project is as well the result of
my reflection on our capacity to identify in the authenticity of their existence our own vulnerability as living beings, the volatile nature of our physical condition, and to rely on the poetic nature of feelings.


installation views @ Espaço AZ, Lisbon, 2019
works from 2016/2018